Tuesday, 4 February 2014

What Failure "does not"Mean.


Failure, a phrase many of us can relate to: academic failure; failure in your career; the failure of an enterprise; failure in relationships; heart failure; the failure of the current global economy; failure to meet your personal goals; failure to get selected for that promotion. One way or the other, we all have experienced failure of some sort. 

For some, it’s been multiple encounters with failure, and sadly many are still bound to fail. This is because, failure cannot be avoided; we are all bound to fail at or in something. Failure cannot be eliminated! Does this mean we are all doomed? Of course not, there is always a way around disaster. We cannot prevent disasters, but we can control our responses to them, and these responses determine how we survive the attack. This is the same with failure.

Failure of any kind is discouraging. You put in the hard work and did not succeed, this does not mean you’re a failure. Failure can knock you down if you permit it. Many of us know what failure looks like, what it feels like. Failure can be recognized from a distance. We know what failure means, but fail to pay attention to what failure "does not" mean. 

There are two sides to failure just as there are two sides to every coin. Advantages and disadvantages to every Failure. There is a side to failure that everyone tends to disregard; the side that gives Faith Hope and Hope Faith. The side that’s Keeps on and never gives up until it wins.

That side of Failure was designed to shape us into what we will eventually become. But as mentioned above, the majority of us are blinded to that side of failure, as failure is a plague no one wants to be associated with. Have you given a thought to what Failure "does not" mean? 

Here are some guidelines to feed your mind with a different perspective of failure, and to get you handling failure in a positive way:

“Failure doesn’t mean YOU are a Failure... it does mean you haven’t succeeded yet. 

Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing... it does mean you have learned something. 

Failure doesn’t mean you have been a fool... it does mean you have a lot of Faith. 

Failure doesn’t mean you have being disgraced . . . it does mean you have to do something a different way. 

Failure doesn’t mean you are inferior . . . it does mean you are not Perfect. 

Failure doesn’t mean you have wasted your life . . . it does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn’t mean you should give up . . . it does mean you must try harder. 

Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never make it . . . it does mean it will take a little longer. 

Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you . . . it does mean God has a better idea”

Tough times never lasts tough people Do 

              Robert Schuller

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