Friday, 21 March 2014

25 Indicators that your Start Up will get stuck.

Thomas Pichon is the founder of "The Collaborative Startup" movement, an initiative designed to help early-stage entrepreneurs turn their idea into a successful community-centric business."The Collaborative Startup" movement was launched by Thomas to teach Entrepreneurs how to build Successful Businesses.

Based on his Experience with Entrepreneurs he has worked with, he shares 
25 Indicators that your Start up will get Stuck.

  1. You have built a product and you are now looking for the problem it could solve.
  2. You cannot contact right now 10 potential customers.
  3. You are not able to find a niche market to start your project.
  4. You do not want to talk to customers because you are afraid of being wrong.
  5. You think you cannot talk to customers until the first version of your product is finished.
  6. You know it is important to have face-to-face conversations with customers, but you find other ways to understand their needs.
  7. You pitch your idea and ask for feedback about it, instead of asking for feedback about the problem you are supposed to solve.
  8. You delegate the customer development process or your market study to someone else.
  9. You do not ask open questions to your potential customers.
  10. You are not able to write a dozen lines about the actual problem your customers have.
  11. You talk more about the product features than the benefits for customers.
  12. Your product’s competitors are only solutions with similar features.
  13. You do not have any marketing strategy yet.
  14. You do not know what to blog about.
  15. You talk about growth hacking but you have not built a single happy customer yet.
  16. You face the “chicken – egg problem”.
  17. You think your product alone is going to solve your customers’ problem. You do not have any content strategyto help customers reach their goal.
  18. You do not have any idea about how to design a “concierge MVP” (aka: a simple service to validate that you can produce a happy customer).
  19. You do not have any expertise in your industry.
  20. You do not participate in meetups and events related to your industry.
  21. You are thinking about seed funding while you have not produced any happy customers yet.
  22. You have not taken the time to define your startup’s missionvision and values.
  23. You do not know how to delegate simple tasks.
  24. You work everyday from 6am to… 2am.
  25. You sacrifice what you love and who you love for your startup.
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To get one on one help from Thomas you can contact him directly 
 Twitter: @thomaspichon  

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