We live in the 21th century, a fast pacing generation where humans barely breath, parents hardly spend time with their kids and couples are more occupied with making a living than spending time together.
Generally, we get caught up with how busy we are or are suppose to be whereas we ignore the more important issues we ought to be addressing.
Majority of the time it is indeed done out of ignorance but as the Bible says my people perish out of ignorance likewise under the law, ignorance is no defence.
We all need a TIME OUT, but like every other thing in life, Time will not be handed to you. If you want it you have to go get it thus we have to TAKE TIME OUT.
Take time out of work to get know how the kids are fairing in their respective lives.
Take time out of that dead end job to search within you heart for your lifes purpose.
Take time out of that relationship to discover how s/he handles your absence.
Take time out of living in pretence healthy to discover that hidden illness.
Take time out of living in the past to discover the present and plan for the future.
Take time out of being wealthy to reach out and assist the poor.
Take time out of being yourself to discover the greater person you could be.
Take time out of worrying to pray and seek a solution.
Take time out of death to discover life.
Take time out of hate to discover love.
Take time out of those noisy headphones to experience silence.
Take time out of following the crowd to stand out.
Take time out of being a follower to make a decision to lead.
Take time out of being a writer to be a reader.
Take time out of nagging to recognise and appreciate the little s/he does right.
Take time out of pleasure to experience pain. Then, Take time out of Pain to experience pleasure and mind you these two are not the same.
Take time out of sin to experience repentance. Take time out of darkness to experience light.
Take time out of day dreaming to actually chase and live the Dream.
Take time out blaming the government to take responsibility for yourself(people are presently making billions even in the so called “economic crisis”).
Take time out from expecting a change to get up and inspire it.
And finally, when your world feels like its crumbling right in front of you, TAKE TIME OUT to rebuild your foundation. It is as simple as it sounds.
We keep moving Forward
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